Masoli Denied by NCAA

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by bhelmLSU, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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  2. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    after having explained to me exactly the reasoning, which was quite murky before, i understand that. the transfer rule being for academic reasons. the impetus for this guy transferring was because he was not going to be able to play at his former school for discipline reasons, not because there was not a program for him to be enrolled in. the parks and recreation thing was probably the only one found missy had that oregon didnt and that is why it was chosen. as cover, nothing more.

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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  4. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Look our QB situation is exactly rosey either as many have pointed out. It could get even worse if J-Lee transfers to a lower division school next year so that he play and possibly extend his career beyond college. We would have JJ as the starter and complete unkowns and inexperience behind him because J-Lee, barring injury, is the only other QB who will play this year.
  5. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Of course, this whole thing was to allow him to play his fourth year and improve his status for the NFL draft. OM needed a qb, and he was available. Question is, was OM getting the smart young man, who finished his BS in three years -or- were they getting the puke with a criminal record? The laptop stuff was bad enough.....but busted for a joint? He was not charged with intent to distribute...

    OM followed the NCAA guidelines to the tee. Under the NCAA's own rules, he should be allowed to play. Then change the rule to be absolutely clear, if you don't want it to happen again. There was no precedence established here. It was a loophole, but one the NCAA allowed for themselves. If they are allowed to establish "intent" now, it is just a matter of time before they use the intent crap against someone else....I don't know about you, but I don't want the NCAA determining "my" intentions.

    I also think the NCAA is very vindictive. Remember how they fought OM about Michael Ohr? Remember how they fought OM over Jerrell Powe? They lost both battles. This way, they win one.

    Some schools seem to get special treatment. Do you think Alabama or Florida would have had such a hard time? Matt Wyatt, former MSU qb and now an announcer. stated: "What SECW school do you know of that would have the power politically and the financial ability to influence the NCAA's decision?" I don't agree with this, however.

    Do you think that the NCAA did not know three weeks or so ago, what their decision would be? I would think the "intent" would have been obvious at that time. Why wait until the week of opening season to announce? Nutt could have been looking elsewhere for a third qb.

    What about the "great" all-american from Ala. who went to the party in Florida? I'm sure he had NO idea where the airplane ticket and hotel room came from....I'm sure his hommie always had the money to fly them out and put them up in a fine hotel. This young man always had that kind of money, huh. Now, he draws a HUGE "TWO GAME" suspension. But I guess it was not his "intention" to receive any benefits that would not normally be available to the average college student. These kind of offers happen daily. RIGHT....
  6. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    To be fair, I thought the 2-game suspension was complete BS. I thought that once you were ruled ineligible, that was it. I remember this happened to Dez Bryant last year and he was done for the year.
  7. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    i fully agree. dez came to mind on that one too.
  8. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    It's who you know and who you blow.....
  9. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    the rule even states that you can't do this to avoid disciplinary action at your old school.
    that is what masoli is doing, or else he would have transferred out before getting kicked off the team.

    if he was searching for a school with that major, and found ole miss, he would be playing.
    instead went to ole miss and searched for a major that oregon didn't offer.
    was pretty blatant at trying to pull the wool over the NCAAs eyes.

    i agree completely that the timing of it sucked a$$. no excuse for waiting this late to make the call.
  10. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    dez lied and denied the whole time.

    supposedly this kid came clean and fully cooperated.
    whoever advised this guy on how to handle this taught him right.

    NCAA has a pretty good track record for being more lenient on teams that come clean and assist rather than ducking and diving.
    a recent example is the USC situation.
    Basketball team admitted guilt and came clean. NCAA accepted the self imposed sanctions for them.
    Football team lied, denied it, fought it, and laughed at it. They got monkey raped for it.

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