In at #1: Mike The Tiger - Your expert source for NCAA Football stats, scores, standings, and blogs from NCAA Football columnists
That article puts this "Big Red" mascot at #3 because it is so laughable that it'd be impossible to stay angry enough to throw punches after seeing this mascot... but I don't see the big difference between this mascot and the Ohio State mascot...
No doubt about that, LSU is blessed that we're the school known as the school with the live tiger on campus as our mascot. I remember reading this once in wikipedia:
John, I think the Ohio State mascot looks a lot more "gay" than this pitiful mascot without even a decent pair of color-coordinated shews! Regarding mascots, I have always heard others fantasize about LSU's Mike getting loose, and making a chew toy out of the opposing teams mascot, and it's always a subject brought up by the raucous boozers seen during a tailgate. In these quality intellectual discuusions, Mike can be seen in the mind's eye gnawing on an elephant hindquarter, a razorback hawg, a poor fleabag of a bulldawg, or even an old Dixie Colonel just before they bring out the tranquilizer darts :grin: