not only were they werent close, they were estranged. but his brother should be shot. this is 100x worse than what hes accusing of brother of. he should be tied to a tree and left for dead out in spanish lake.
Kinda reminds you of politicians and CEO's doesn't it?:grin: I promise you I would trust a CEO or baseball player before I would trust any Icehole politician!:yelwink2: Anyway, I've tried to figure out why MM's brother would rat him out? At first I thought I missed the news and MM must've kicked the bucket!
translation=his brother is a worthless pos sonofabitch selling out his blood for the almighty dollar.
Maybe Selig should be Pete Rosed? Actually, Is there anyone who thinks Bud has been good for baseball? Oh, I meant Bud Selig not the other kind!:lol:
didn't realize Bud had to ban something that was already against the law Maybe he should hurry up and ban murder while he's at it.
you've bought into that tripe spouted by the media mainstream? dont drink the kool-aid. he stayed blind to steroids and didnt ban it because he knew it was paying the bills. that would have almost ceased if he would have banned and tested it. not often you are so illogical. Ill give you a pass this one time only.
of course he knew, but so did everyone else. including the fans who bought the tickets to watch these ballplayers shatter the records that they hold so dear. Now they want to bitch and moan that the records are meaningless. People need someone to blame, so they put it all on Bud and give the owners and player's union a pass for not putting something into the CBA.
he was in charge. I dont excuse the players. they get fd by their images and records being tainted. All are at fault. but the warden is in charge for a reason. its his to police. thats his damn job description. And he didnt. Its no different than a politician taking bribes at the expense of the people. (that was for SD man)
oh he gets his share of the blame. the union gets the bulk of it in my book. players have been p!ssing in cups for years. Just refused to sign on to let roids be one of the drugs they were checking for. If Bud wants to make a real statement, he needs to pull a Landis and ban some of these bastids. Gambling wasn't banned until after that fiasco, but he still nailed the accused to the cross and never looked back, even though they were never proven guilty.
agree and yes, plenty of blame to go around. but not gonna blame the fans. thats pretty stupid. they paid to see the sideshow. and what a sideshow it was.