He's Right!!! Bama didn"t make mistakes......LSU just went "honey badger" on their as* and TOOK what they wanted!!! Had nothing to do with bama!!
I don't pay much attn to what they say anymore. Even when it's complimentary of us I have to question their sincerity. As long as we win I don't give 2 cents what they think or say.
But now fair is fair ... the "old stereotype LSU FB" self-defeating (own worst enemy) is over with ... This bunch is rewriting the statistics They're outside the box and when they get going, the execution has been almost flawless ... That's when they finally get going! I called it 20 - 10 LSU ... and dammitt if it didn't look like I was a prophet again ... Then Boom ... three more TDs Time for folks to FEAR US ... we need to do something absolutely beastial in that DOME to whoever shows up