Mardi Gras Plans

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Feb 1, 2013.

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  1. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    So after 10 years of your rants and tales of drunken exploits, I am supposed to know that, as of that post, your dad is stressed and not pick on you? Sorry I touched a nerve, but you brought it on yourself.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    no. i was telling you that your point made no sense. it had nothing to so with anything. because you are stupid. also the rants are not relevant. just the drunken exploits. i told you that already. but you are stupid.

    look, the only point i am making here is that you are a fucking idiot. thats all, its not complicated.
  3. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    So what you're saying is for 10 years you haven't cared about dad's stress on the off chance that he might read your posts but now you do. Got it.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i believe i explained this sa well, but you dint listen, because you are a cunt. i realized the huge number of "guests" that are logged in. i assumed before it was just registered users, which is far fewer than the tons and tons of guests that stumble along. again, i explained this before.

    let me ask you a question. did i explain this before, or not? remeber it was when i discussed how it was a fairly typical thing to for people not to use actual names? do you recall that, fuckhead?
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Oh come off of it martin. Didn't we have a discussion about how "shock value" is really just that and no one really gives a shit? Hell, I even agreed with you. So if we are (by your own logic) not to really pretend like we care about kids being shot at a school in the NE where we have no real connection, why in the phuck should anyone care if your mom and dad know what a degenerate you are? Or if they have a heart condition for that matter? Or what happens to them when they find out? Why? I think I'm safe in saying NONE of us know your parents so why in the blue hell should any of us care?
    Cajun Sensation likes this.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    they definitely should not give a fuck, i agree wholeheartedly. i was discussing in this thread why politically incorrect words are not signficant. kyle out of nowhere says "this coming from a guy who worriees what his mom thinks" that doesnt make any sense to say. i explained why ,and i think the reason is that kyle is a dumb fucking cunt, so he makes points that dont make sense. am i not allowed to think kyle is a cunt, its no big deal. i dont really understand the relevant of what he said, to what i was saying. i know why he said it, because he is bad at making sense, primarily due to being stupid. and a cunt.

    i explained why i worry about what my parents read, and i thought it was valid. it has nothing to do with my being a degenerate or politically incorrect. you dont have to agree. you can wish the world explodes and we all die if you want. but i wasnt really discussing that, i was discussing the nature of words and political correctness, which is a different topic, isnt it?
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I submit this as evidence.

    If words are truly meaningless, then why does it matter if your parents see what you write or not? Does that mean they are miserable cowards if they think less of you because they see what you do on an anonymous message board?

    Look bro, I think you are funny, I know you are educated, but I also think you are an idiot. An educated idiot if you will. The world is littered with them and you are ours. You just happened to get caught in your own web this time. No biggie. Just insult someone and move on.

    For the record, I like Kyle, he is a good dude and not at all a cunt. You are just pissed at him and it is understandable. Now let it go.
    Cajun Sensation, red55 and KyleK like this.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    the words are meaningless. the context isnt. the intent isnt. if i said to you, your graandpa, who is a coonass, has died, you would be sad. not because of the words used, but because of the meaning of the words, its not that i called him a coonass, its that actual information that was delivered that mattered. not the words used. that was the point. if i mean to insult someone, i can do it without particular words that are deemed to be offensive, or i can use words that are considered offensive in a way that isnt actually offensive. this is what i explained about mark twain and dave chappelle. this has nothing to do with what kyle was discussing.

    this is a point that is a criticism of politically correct word usage. not a point about my worry about stressin my dad. thats a different issue. like for instance if you said martin is a nigger, my dad wouldnt care. but if you said martin is banging hookers with crack habits and drunk driving, my dad would worry, and i would not want that. and you are welcome to tell him that, but i wouldnt tell him that, which is why i wondered alod about name changing. i happen to not want to stress him,which i think is reasoable. you definitely should not care about what i happen to care about. and i should not need to explain why they are two diff topics.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    basically what happened is

    me: politicall correctness is silly

    kyle: that isnt true because you are concerned about people you care about

    a smart man can see that those are not related issues.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    1. My grandma was a coonass and she did die and the only thing that saddens me is that she is dead. Not because of what she was or the fact that someone stated a fact.

    2. If you don't want your dad to worry about you banging chickenheads then I would suggest to stop banging chickenheads, otherwise your point is, well...pointless. They are after all just words and they cannot have any meaning, intent, offense, gulit, implication or anything else unless they are true. For instance, if you said my grandmother was a crack whore and died turning tricks on Hopkins street, that would not offend me because I know that it isn't true and it would be martin being martin. I think that is what Kyle was trying to get across to you. If you don't want your pops to be worried or ashamed of you, then stop doing shit that would give him cause to.
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