Stop being a baby. The Ole Miss crap is wiped unless the team collapses. Then you can say he isn't a changed man and his past record is relevant. He was hired with the idea that his past record is mostly irrelevant and only a component of the full picture. It is not as insane as some of you whiners would have us believe.
i honestly think LSU fans prefer to complain than to logically look at the situation. Maybe we fall down completely, maybe the team rises who the frick knows at this point. It was premature to say we were going undefeated before and it just as premature to think we are in the toilet now...lets let the season play out and then we can have a frank discussion about Coach Eaux.
I've never seen a baby state facts. What did either of us say that was false? Pretty sad you consider people who state facts babies and whiners. To each his/her own.