In 1982, a new Loyola mascot, "'Bo Rambler," short for "Hobo," carried on the Rambler tradition. The athletics press packet for the season portrayed a bum rambling across the LU logo. In 1990, Loyola stopped using Bo, citing the rationale that a homeless man did not seem to be a fitting mascot for a top-notch university. The university instead introduced its new and current mascot, LU Wolf, in recognition of the animal's association with St. Ignatius.
If Michigan wins it all what wouls LSU's retroactive RPI be? I'm picking Villanova to wear the crown but they have to get past a red hot Kansas team. Regular season was so so by Jayhawk standards but they are peaking at the right time.
Villa no va !! (No va means doesn't go in Spanish even though the Nova did) No one had to Google Danny Manning?
Hallelujah I'm a bum !!! If I had a job, I could make $5 per hour If I made $5 an hour I could save money in a savings account If I saved enough I'd never have to work again... Hell, that's what I'm doin now !!
One of America's greatest poets was a hobo...