Well, Ole Slobbering Lou has always liked -- or at least tolerated -- The Cocks. Tastes like chicken, right? BTW, found this comment on the Deadspin article; Martin, if you're lurking, it's right up your alley.
I wonder how much money he stood to make from this hoax. He was completely ineffective in the national championship game, so it looks like a lot of his Heisman-caliber reputation came from lesser opponents and the Notre Dame hype machine. Of course the girlfriend aspect isn't the entirety of the hype, but it offers a compelling narrative. The media loves to provide national ballwashing over a compelling narrative. If this story doesn't break until October, do we have some NFL executive talking about how his "obvious" skills and "high" character made him a can't miss prospect for a high draft pick? Or essentially higher than he would have gotten on talent alone.
Exactly. I happen to be entertained by sports and not soap opera so I don't read stories about players families and shit. I am not Rick Reilly, I like ports, not grabbassery. So the media gives us these terrible boring stories all the time. It's like when you watch the Olympics and before every event you have to hear the story of the player who has a retard brother or whatever. Don't care, play the game. If you keep reporting stuff like a bunch of gay ass Rick Reilly's (who also idiotically defended lance a until a few days ago), then you should expect to get punked once in a while. I salute whoever is behind it.
It's unbelievable how much air time this stupid story is getting. I guess it shouldn't surprise me, given how the American public cares about things that don't matter. I admit, I thought it was weird when I first heard it, but now I couldn't care less; yet that's the only topic on all the sports talk radio shows and ESPN. It's embarrassing when you think about it.