G, did your wife tell you yet that you're having dinner @ Casa O on Saturday night? We're looking forward to seeing you guys.
If you're going to be here a lot, you'll want to become a contributor (just $20 a year), and you'll have access to all of the forums here. That's how you'll get to know most of the regulars here. I think that most of the discourse here is more mature and civil than what I've read on TD. I've lurked there, but never joined. We don't say "Germans" here very much, but I'm sure there are some inside jokes from time to time. Welcome to Tigerforums!
Welcome! This is a great board with a wide assortment of personalities, some serious characters around here. I'd say we've got a few guys here as well who are pretty well versed in recruiting. Good to have you.
Steve, Welcome to TF! Good Tiger fans here, and some great posters from our sister SEC schools. Also some great guests from schools we've played in the past, who found us and decided to stay, like Hawker from Iowa, Mr. Peabody from Oklahoma, Buckeye78, and some others. And then we got the ladies! There is some good humor on the board. It has a lot of different facets, stick around, and I hope you enjoy it. Good range of ages, like all are represented.
The 25 seconds between the 1:35 and 2:00 mark of that LaRon Landry highlight compilation is just sick. Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Here's a clip showing the game announcers' reaction to one of those hits ("John Parker Wilson just got annihilated ... Holy Mackeral ... That's just evil, there") -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuesT78TXP8
Welcome aboard!! The only bonkers place around is The Roundtable...but not all that bad. I think for the most part, everyone here can dish it out and can take it at the same time...so, makes life a little easier. A nice thing for out-of-towners is the chat room during games. If you are all alone and have no other tiger fans around, it does make the game more enjoyable.