CNN didn't do anything but report what the ADL league found out. Breitbart is the mouthpiece of Alt right.
"Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works" So much win here. Trump gets elected and all of a sudden, NoKo is a nuclear threat capable of reaching CONUS. It doesn't work that way. Think about that. But today, NoKo is appearing like a nuclear eunuch and are marching with SoKo in the Olympics? Hmmmmm.
If I didn’t know you lived or had lived in Los Angeles or surrounding areas that whole NoKo SoKo thing would have totally given it away.
You know what else is in SoCal? Zuma. But you tell me, what other significance that word might have. Then we can talk about fake news.
Damm right he is and it's a good hing you libtards have had your monopoly way way too long. CNN may have reported what the ADL said but would never report the other side. Your side sucks go back and llive onnyour cloud.
This what CNN thinks is important news in America. This tells you all you need to know about who they are.