He's Tiger Bait now and if he can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. He knows what he did wrong and the more he runs his mouth, the more people will dog him. Have fun in Gumpville with the Mouth of the South! :crystal:
I really hated reading that article, he is trying to switch the situation around so he can gain support from friends and Bama fans. I dont buy it and Tiga is right he has a big mouth and needs to keep his info to himself. He is going to have some hurt feelings when those recruits go to other programs like LSU. I dont hate the guy but I dont agree with his antics and I am glad he is not going to LSU. The fact that many people including most of his coaches were worried about his decision tells me he doesnt want to listen to anybody and wants to do his own thing no matter what. He is an 18yr old kid who will hopefully learn to correct his deception and mistakes in a respectable manner. I wish him the best. Hell, the best part of the whole article is that all but 2 coaches at WM supported his decision. That can only mean good things for Miles and the Tigers for years to come.:thumb: :geauxtige
Apologize??? For things people SAY?? Give me a freaking break. Next thing you know, people will have to go to counseling because they uttered something that hurt somebody's "wittle bitty fee fees." A GREY'S GAY ANATOMY SITUATION! Toughen the hell up already. If you lie, you deal with the consequences. If you're after attention, then understand it won't, by definition, always be positive. I also like the former LSU players recruiting for Bama. Is it too late to get back payments on their state-paid scholarships?
The state of La. has always had talent and in the past, teams were able to get some of those players. Ike Hilliard played for Florida and helped us win a NC in 96. After $aban came in, he pretty much locked the state down. Now he is using his name to pull kids out. Luther Davis may find himself being made an example. It's great that the people of Louisiana can be proud of LSU's turnaround. You guys are a perennial powerhouse now. Doesn't matter anymore that $aban got it started. What matters now is it doesn't stop. Kids should grow up wanting to play for the Tigers and not $aban because of what he did when he was at LSU. Rival coaches will always try to get players from your state because it is a fertile place for talent. Kids leave Florida every year, I just hate to see the best go out of state. Hell, I wish we could shoot coaches who try to take our kids across the statelines.
The most important thing i got out of that article is that out of 22 coaches, only 2 are standing behind him now. I can say with a lot of certainty in my mind it is not because he changed his committment but because he acted dishonorably and he continues to do so.
Well, okay, I read the article. I came away with this. Luther Davis needs to shut up and stop talking to the media and just focus on his own life. There is nothing wrong with selecting the school you like the best. There is a lot wrong with how you handle that process. Just like how Nick Saban handles leaving one job for another. There's a good way to handle it and a bad way. What's amazing is Luther has not reached the point of realizing he could have handled all this differently in a better way. And it does not seem Saban undertands this. The healing for Luther Davis will only begin when he takes ownership for what he has created. This is one of the lesson's in life we all get to tackle over and over again. It also seems he needs some other players to follow him to Alabama to affirm his decisioin. If they don't he has another mountain to climb. If he just would have handled all this differently all this drama would not be going on. He just needs to take responsibilty for his own life, move on and stop talking about it.
Who is this Luther Davis kid everyone's talking about? I've never heard of him. Does he play football, or something? "wink"
I agree, too late to cry poor me now. You made your bed now sleep in it. However no one should be calling and harassing him no matter what you think of him.
The article never mentions Davis' lying to the media, his recruitier and to coach Miles. It never mentions that Miles pulled LSU's offer. It was positive PR for Davis, not an objective assessment of the situation. Still, kids do mess up with career and academic decisions (I know I did) and Davis does not deserve to get telephone threats or over-the-top character assasinations by anonymous internet orators. Dissapointment and annoyance from his neighbors, friends, colleagues and coaches is part of the game when you mislead them like that and he just needs to get over it and get past it. But he doesn't need physical threats and verbal assaults.
I don't understand why his offer was pulled by coach miles. If he really is that talented a recruit and he switched his commitment to another school why didn't we just continue to pursue him. I'm not sure why the coaching staff gave up on him so easily unless they would have thought he really wasn't all that talented and not worth the trouble. We go after recruits that are committed to other schools, all schools do that. Sometimes recruits commit to multiple schools. I don't see why it was made into such a big deal.