Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by undrpar1234, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    The only reason I believe what I quoted is I know the individual that conducted that interview. Knowing the writer personally, does affect my *belief* in what he has written.

    I have to stop in this situation and look back to my life when I was coming out of high school. Granted, I came out of a different socio-economic background/school than 90% of these kids do. (I don't consider myself as the "silver spoon" type, but fortunate.) Point being, I don't know how I would have handled the attn. that Davis and other recruits are getting..especially when you consider the two schools that are after him.

    Here's where I see the dichotomy. While I have addressed different conversations here about Saban, I've done so using things that could be substantiated. It hasn't been "emotional, off the cuff" remarks intended to denigrate a person.

    BJ, I know this whole story upsets you. Perhaps, keeping emotional reactions in check may serve you well? Just sayin'...

    I have to agree with you there...the Saints were a great storyline this season. Here again, I find myself with little to no desire to watch the Super Bowl. The ONLY thing that makes it, only slightly mind you, interesting is there are two SEC QB's in the game.

    Fact is, they already have. In many of his visits when those staff's found out Saban was visiting immediately dispatched members of their staff to visit that recruit immediately after Saban/the staff had left.

    Say what you want about his credibility. The players know he's a winner. They want to play for a winner.

    Again, making comparisons to stints in the NFL and using those comparisons to make a judgement on how he'll do in just doesn't work. In fact, if you look around the NCAA you'll find many examples/facts that prove that. Carroll, Spurrier...

    And, repeating myself again, the recruiting base Alabama has used for decades isn't, and never has been, limited to the state of Alabama.

    I see this number (10-20 ranked class) used time and time again. First of all, there isn't a semblance of factual information you can use to back that up. Secondly, when it comes to rankings of recruiting classes, while they are nice, it is all about coaching up the kids.
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  2. Geaux4LSU

    Geaux4LSU Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    but he has decommitted. say it however you want but saying your going to decide between LSU/UA on signing day isnt committed to LSU.

    Miles should re-offer Davis right now then Peters on his visit this weekend. whoever accepts first gets it.
  3. Blue TurboDog

    Blue TurboDog GeauxTigersGo

    Nov 4, 2005
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    I am so glad I have Terry here to explain things to me. I mean, that's why I come to TF, to get the 'Bama side. I am so enlightened!
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  4. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    DandyDon is reporting that Davis and Paige are Bama bound. This should be an interesting weekend.
  5. Lprimo

    Lprimo Pimpin Aint Easy

    Nov 19, 2006
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    DandyDon reporting Davis to Alabama...I don't like this kid very much right now. He's supposedly recruited players at the Army All-American game, to come to LSU...after he committed on TV. Then he pulls this Alabama stunt. It wouldnt bother me, if the guy never said any thing about Saban...But he bad mouth Saban from day one, and now he's supposedly headed to Bama. Good lucky with Satan, you to make a hell of a couple.

    *Dandydon this morning....
    In other recruiting news, it appear that Luther Davis and Ahmad Paige will be attending Alabama University, according to my source in Monroe. Davis committed to LSU during the US Army All-Star game in San Antonio on national TV and spent much of the week recruiting Joseph Barsdale and other players for LSU. Davis made a surprise visit to Alabama last weekend after Nick Saban made a visit to West Monroe earlier in the week. After Saban's visit to West Monroe Davis said that if Saban was still the head coach at LSU that he would not have committed to LSU.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I agree that Saban will likely not recruit as well at Bama as he did at LSU, but I think he is definitely going to recruit strongly and we do not need another top recruiter in the West Division. Auburn is recruiting well, lately, and maybe Bama and Auburn will knock each other back a bit. The Big Three in the east are picking up impressive top-10 recruiting classes, too.

    The SEC is going to be a dogfight in the next few years and no team is a lock for a championship.
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  8. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    Sep 22, 2003
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    I understand that all recruits have to be sure of their decisions as to which school is best for them, and there is no dispute that we all respect that. What I have trouble understanding is why recruits still continue to take trips to other schools after their so called commitment: Luther Davis to Bama, and Mccoy to West Virginia? The analogy is like telling your fiancee that you are still going to date other girls before finalizing the deal with the ring.

    I don't know if the Mccoy trip was prescheduled, or at leat it seemed that there is not as much uproar (was he more upfront?). Davis would have done better had he not pulled the stunt with his comments about Saban, and did a complete turnaround.
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  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I agree and probably, the best situation would be for them to make all their trips, then commit but I guess it's human nature to secure a spot and wonder about the "Road not Traveled". Not only seen in recruiting, most married men won't leave (Get a divorce) unless they have a secure place to land.......i.e. a relationship with another woman. Kinda dumb analogy but "The grass is always greener" thing. ;)
  10. Mike in Memphis

    Mike in Memphis Old Tiger

    Nov 25, 2006
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    Well, Terry and other Alabama fans can post and say what they want, but they need to understand, not all of the LSU Nation is upset/mad just because Saban went to Bama.

    Saban did not tell us the truth when he was negotiating to leave LSU for Miami. I lost faith and respect for the man because of the way he handled that move. He did not tell Miami or the press the truth while he negotiated with Alabama. He could have said “no comment” or “I’m involved with the current season”, but no, he said “I will not be the Alabama Coach”. Less than a month later his is the Alabama Coach. Then he doesn't even have the respect to face the team and his assistants in person or even individually, he calls them on a conference call. Take it for what it is worth.

    Alabama just needs to remember the man’s track record. Enjoy the ride while it last because one day they will also suffer from being “Sabaned”.


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