Lurker Headed Your Way!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by AntiLurker, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. AntiLurker

    AntiLurker Freshman

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Dear Tiger Fans,

    This post has nothing to do with whether or not you like, dislike,..... etc, etc.......... the fact that we are Aggies are headed to the SEC.

    This post is intended to warn of you of a guy named "Vic" (last name withheld). Vic did not go to school at A&M. He is a beer truck driver and is a friend of former A&M football coach R.C. Slocum's son.

    So, Vic was able to get sideline passes to all the Aggie home football games because of his friendship with R.C Slocum's son. He would even run out with the team during the game intro and hang out in the locker room, etc. etc.

    TOTAL MOOCH MO'FO! And he did this for years and eventually garnered himself status as the king of all Lurkers in Aggieland.

    He would even make attempts to lurk on recruits and recruits' parents as if he was an official representative of the school or team. And this went on for years under R.C. Slocum.

    Vic would also try to act like he was better than everyone else because he had this type of access and privilege.

    He met R.C. Slocum's son, when he was working in Boys Town in Mexico. Vic was selling maps of how to get to the "you-know-what show," and R.C.'s son met him this way and the rest is history.

    And as soon as R.C. was fired, BOOM! There he was the next day in Dennis Franchione's office "Haayyyyyy--eeeeeee! Coach! I'm Vic. I had this relationship with the coaching staff, blah, blah, blah, blah!" And I can get you all the beer you want.

    And so Dennis Franchione tolerated him and Vic was on the sideline for every freaking game. He would also find ways to get free hotel rooms and free air fares by mooching off of A&M alumni who thought he was a coach or graduate assistant coach, staff, etc. etc. This guy really is unbelievable!

    They had no idea this guy was nothing more than an old R.C. Slocum lackie who was the first to bitch about R.C. getting fired. But, he was the first to be in Dennis Franchione's office the next day. The bed wasn't even cold yet.

    This entire scenario repeats itself when Dennis Franchione was fired and Mike Sherman was hired.

    Now, the whole process is repeating itself again. Somehow, Vic was able to find his way into the press conference when A&M hired Kevin Sumlin. He made sure that he was in camera view and was the first person to shake Kevin Sumlin's hand when he walked in the door.

    I don't know why the A&M athletic staff have not put this guy on some sort of like....."Lurker Watch List."

    And since Kevin Sumlin was under R.C. Slocum for a few years at A&M, he'll remember Vic, and then let Vic back on the sideline, getting his picture taken, talking on the cell phone while he shows up on national TV., etc., etc. etc. Lurking it up!

    Example: George Bush often comes to Aggie home games. There will be media taking pictures of George Bush and Vic will just mosey his way on over to get in the picture somehow, someway. He lurked all over George Bush at an Aggie basketball game one time and almost caused a national security incident.

    So now, he'll make attempts to show up on your sideline and other SEC sidelines, with the Aggie football team.

    Spread the word to the other SEC schools, so this guy is stopped from getting free rides on the coat tails of others.

    Again, Vic is his name (last name withheld).

    Count Lurk-u-la.

    Alex-Lurker The Great

    King Lurk-uh-Night-us

    Lurk-zeez The Great.

    He is known by many names. These are just a few.

    But know, that he is the king of all time of all Lurkers who have ever walked this planet.

    And he must be stopped!
    But, you'll see him, running out with the Aggie team. Just standing on the sideline during the game, talking on the cell phone about how cool he is for being on the sideline. I guarantee it.

    He's Latino. Glasses. Likes to wear sweater vests. Abnormally large head. You can't miss him.

    God speed! And stop Vic from lurking it up at your games, too!
  2. NavyTiger

    NavyTiger dunn dunn it all

    Sep 10, 2010
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    Hey, I'm the vic of LSU and I don't take kindly to the words, lurker or moocher, it takes much time and effort to get in our suburb positions.
    Seriously though, I'm not sure how much a problem the guy is. He sounds annoying and an embarrassment but.... ok. Thanks for the thread none the less aggie!
  3. lsudolemite

    lsudolemite CodeJockey Extraordinaire

    Sep 18, 2006
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    I think I'm really going to like having A&M in the SEC.
  4. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    That dude is my hero.
  5. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    This has what to do with the price of rice in china?
  6. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    I know Vic...he used to sleep on OJs sofa back in the day !!!
  7. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Sounds like a pretty smart guy. If I could get on every home game sideline by offering beer to Miles I would. The guy loves aTm. If I see Vic ill shake his hand. He's loyal to the school and so developed a relationship with every coach there he could.
  8. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    He is, College Station's most interesting man.
  9. lsuforever

    lsuforever Founding Member

    Nov 22, 2008
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    Well? Vic's got ballz. Otherwise, he seems to have no life.
  10. lsu_mackey

    lsu_mackey Agent Purple

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Vic knows the identity of the shooters on the grassy knoll

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