This stupid Yaw Yaw stuff has me liking Coach O more than I already was. I wish they had audio of the Lunch with O instead of just a recap.
Actually he said some really good things in that meeting, all the right things. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Dear god the yaw yaw stuff was no lie. Even after the video I'm still not sure I understood a word he said. Lol. I mean people clapped a few times so I'm assuming he said some decent stuff.
All kidding aside he did sound pretty good. I especially liked his answer to the questions about how he has grown since coaching at Ole Miss, that they are going to add short easy passes for the QB to make, his idea of how to adjust the team, a coach dedicated to nothing but clock management during the game, and just his overall handling of the questions. Let me just say this too: the reporters didn't pull punches on the questions too. That was a good Q&A segment.