LSU's last 5 recruits: a definitive look

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by islstl, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Are you guys really taking that blog seriously? Really? To the point of quoting it?
  2. geauxtigs

    geauxtigs Tigers Forever

    Nov 28, 2007
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    :geaux::crystal::helmet: How 'bout that 7 - 6 record overall and a meltdown season after the LSU game. Guess the wind kinda got knocked out of the sails of the the Good Ship Gump! Also, those seven wins cost about what, $570, 000 apiece? That's success isn't it?!

    Like a previous poster said, Saban did a lot while he was at LSU and I for one am appreciative. Wasn't too many years ago that we were pretty happy with making a trip to Shreveport for the I-Bowl. Saban laid the foundation for where LSU is today. That said, I wouldn't trade Miles to get Saban back here. And Saban is a prick, no doubt about it. Les Miles is a totally different type person and I am glad we have him.

    Saban may be very successful at 'Bama, although the jury is still out on that. What is kind of disgusting about reading you posts is the kind of hero worship you seem to practice in relation to Saban. I think you should kind of wait on that, especially after 7 - 6 and losses to ULM, Miss St,. etc. Trust me, sooner or later he will s%#t on 'Bama. That's the way he is. In a few years the pastures will be greener some where else. Please take off your Kool-aid glasses, take a deep breath and chill brother! :geauxtige:champs::LSU231::crystal:
  3. NELA_Tigerfan

    NELA_Tigerfan When's kickoff?

    Jan 4, 2007
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    and now back to our regularly scheduled RECRUITING discussion.:)
    And Terry, you don't have to defend Bama's OC hire. ;)
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    If he coaches 5 years and then leaves I'm not worried about it. We'll be winning with Saban's players. :lol: J/K
    1 person likes this.
  5. DwayneBowned

    DwayneBowned Founding Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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  6. tboy

    tboy Founding Member

    Jan 7, 2007
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    By "borderline recruits", I assume you mean based on talent. I don't see any guys in this class that don't look good enough to contribute at LSU. Duplessis looks the most like a "borderline recruit" and he's got some pretty good film - got his offer after a very good camp at LSU.

    Bingo, Duplessis is who I was referring to but I didn't want to really disparage him in any way. Molton is a 3 star but supposedly very underrated by the services and I think he is a good offer.
  7. tboy

    tboy Founding Member

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Exactly what I thought, but I guess the question is how often do we actually take the schollys away. I don't think we will ever know unless someone had inside information. Most kids transfer and you never know if they were encouraged by the coaches to give up their scholarships or they did so on their own to gain more playing time. The standard excuse of wanting more playing time may be a polite press release in some cases when they were really asked to seek other options because they were losing their scholarships. Does anyone really know about how many schollys are actually pulled every year?
  8. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    now that's a classic.
  9. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Latest word is we are still very much in the running for TJ Bryant. That's great news to hear.

    Also, the fight for McClain is not completely over, although he does look like a Clemson lean, maybe even a heavy lean.

    Deandre Brown is probably holding a press conference at 6 PM EST/5 PM CST to possibly announce his decision (although that is even up in the air). He may hold a press conference to NOT announce anything, if that makes any sense. I think LSU is still very much in the running, it's on shaky ground for sure, however.

    Liuget, Thomas, Shaw still looks like LSU possibilities.

    All current recruits are solid LSU. No waivering.
  10. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    What changed your sixty percent tone from today?

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