Seriously though, the subliminal messages in Hanity are powerful. Back in 2004 I had an almost uncontrollable urge to drink Coke and set my neighbors "RE-DEFEAT BUSH" yard sign on fire.
123 lib girls do put out, but you gotta get past the hairy pits. I don't agree with Republicans, but their best looking women in my opinion are better looking than the best looking women on the left. Let me say first I don't agree that Ann Coulter is hot, she would be bangable if I were completely shitfaced and deaf. who do we have? Stephanie Miller? She isn't hot, unless you are an inmate. Rachel Maddow? I guess if you are a bull dyke. Arianna Huffington? Maybe if you are 80.
but i'm going to take a page out of Martin's book and say that unbelievably hot women are really easy to manipulate with some cash. So there, that explains it.