Looked a little better this weekend. I think Eaux is struggling to win hearts and minds, especially considering towards the end Miles didn't require it.
Is Kirby Smart the answer? I didn't like the hire, I've heard they're rated pretty high but haven't been keeping up with it. Are they legit?
Seem to be, but they haven't really played anyone, so we don't know yet. Exactly. Like how they let Richt go. Heard nothing about it during the season, then quietly sent him packing after the season was over. And already had a replacement line up (I think Smart is a UGa alum) before before making the move. Meanwhile, you have our 'braintrust' (and I use that term extremely loosely)...well, no use rehashing what they did, but they could learn a lot from how Georgia did it.
Not really, Tennessee nor Ole Miss look that good. Texas A&M looks ok but I think we can beat them at home. Arkansas got their ass handed to them by S. Car. I think the only teams that are going to for sure beat us are Auburn and Alabama.
If you were in Tiger Stadium when Stanford beat USC in 2007 you remember it. I've never seen that place erupt like that. I wasn't at the game in 86 vs Auburn but I'll never forget what it was like in 2007 vs Florida. Especially when they announced USC lost to Stanford.