Same to him as well then. I had it on WWL until I was done working on that P.O.S. I call a truck so only caught the end. Good job all around.
Despite the fact that it was on the CoxHD channel, that game certainly didn't appear to be broadcast in HD.
On greenies bb on my way back to ok now. Its gonna be a much better drive for me than him. Was a great game. Those late inning hits were clutch and nice to see since this team goes cold on both pitching and hitting in the 8th and 9th so often. I am so glad I was there as one of the purple and gold reps. Did I mention it was a great game?
Then there must be something wrong with my 2-week old 1080p b/c the Hornets game (on TNTHD) looked great.
LOL, not saying your new TV is crap. Just saying I have 2 new 1080p TVs as well and it was in HD. Basketball games do look better in HD IMO. I am not one of those who knows a whole lot about the technical HD stuff but maybe CoxHD has a slightly lower output. But I forgot about the HDCox and was watching it on the regular channel and when I switched over there was a huge difference.