Now now, @Winston1 post was spot on. I for one am elated that we won. Not sure how that is a bad thing...
What makes it funnier is that it's spot on. Almost like "oh shit, that worked! Well let's not do that again, Ever!"
I'm glad LSU won but this was one of those games that's really a lose lose, if you win, you were supposed to, if you lose you suck.
Oh I totally agree with Winston's post. I was obviously being sarcastic. (EDIT - maybe not so obvious to non-plumpers) We come out of the game averaging about 10 yards per passing attempt; and about 10 yards per rushing attempt; and some of the geniuses on this board whine about plays that weren't called a second time. The announcers were calling out LSU for not running in obvious running situations and the board brainiacs see the same old same old stuff. It's so painful for some people to say Les/Cam did anything right that they have to find negative rationalizations for positive results. Winston said it best
I feel bad for the pumpers, who are apparently oblivious to where all this dissatisfaction comes from. Everything was not cured last night. There are things to be glad about, but y'all should really keep it in perspective.
You so funny....Maybe only Tap and @red55 where ever he is are truly pumping these days. Your 'same ole song' against pumpers is so out of tune. The point was and is that despite what ever faults there are with CLM, I ENJOYED THE WIN last night. You and so many others (not you @shane0911) didn't seem to take any enjoyment out of the game. It seems you would rather be negative than take enjoyment in a LSU win.