I threw in one final prediction about LSU running on 1st down on 15 of the first 17 first down plays.
Les did go for it on fourth down against Florida and scored a touchdown, shifting the momentum in our favor. I think he's still got some testicle in his Lesticle (whatever the hell that means). But yeah, Les seems to prefer a conservative plan once he has a lead. He wins a ton of games that way, but I think he has to be more aggressive with great teams like AL and this year Ole Miss.
I hate Ole Miss. Living here in Mississippi, I can live with MS State being good for a change but I really hate Ole Miss.That being said, I just don't have a good feeling about this one. This is a really good Huggie Bear defense against a one dimensional, predictable Tiger offense and that spells trouble. I'm afraid our defense spends most of the night on the field and runs out of gas in the second half. Ole Missy 38-10 I would really like to be wrong...
You are wise beyond your years friend. Go ahead and prepare however you see fit and just know this team will be better (if Miles pulls his head out of his ass) at some point a year or 3 down the road. Oh and invest in a good pair of shades. Lots of harmful UV in these parts.
Not drinking kewl-aid just think the team is becoming a team , growing up at the right time . I maybe drinking the Tiger fan cool-aid the fans have me thinking they are right , we have a lot of talent , . Time for them to step out of HS and stomp into the SEC !! I am betting on Ole Miss to play the run, 9 up front , I am betting on a surprise for us and the Tigers . It will not be 1st down passes but 3rd down DESPERATION PASSES before Ole Miss thinks about playing the pass Going again with three 1st Quarter TD passes : LSU 35 Ole Miss 28. Ole Miss making a strong comeback ,a little bit late , it is a good dream and it is mine . That is my bet . GEAUX TIGERS !!! GEAUX UPSETS IN BR AND KNOXVILLE !!!! {That would make me a fine , oh so fine weekend }
Hey, I enjoyed last football season in Tiger Stadium. 10-3 is a good year in the SEC West. My vacation from TF had nothing to do with tirk. I come here to have fun and talk Tiger football. When the board degenerated into incessant fan-boy bitching and moaning about Les, Welter, Cameron, and whatever scapegoat of the day and especially when they were bitching after WINS . . . it stopped being anything like fun. Life is too short to hang around dismal, cheerless losers that can't be happy with winning. I live a carefree life filled with as much fun as I can muster. The Negas are determined to make everybody as miserable as they are, but fuck 'em. I was not letting a handful of sad sacks bum me out, I just left it to them till the season was over when most of them disappear. And it was great out there in the pasture. I recommend taking a vacation from TF, high-intensity assholes, or anything in your life that is no fun at all. Stress kills . . . but it will never kill me. It won't kill tirk either. But Shane is a walking dead man.