tell me about it. being in ok the gz is my only source to listen too. i can understand radio conflicts, but no gz? hell, tulane has conflicts and all their regular pbp guys are doing basket ball games this weekend. they had isp sports bring in an announcer from north carolina so they can do an internet feed even tho they cant do radio cause of scheduling conflicts. tulane can but we cant? pathetic. has audio and video feeds when available. Do those work? I've never tried them. I think they must be purchased, though. Their gametracker never works right.
thats what we are talking about with the gz (geaux zone) is the audio/video package through but tomorrow it appears that there is gonna be no feed at all. no radio, no internet, no nothing. which leaves only comatose stats or someone at the game texting scores as the only means to know wtf is going on. and since the gametracker/stats rarely works, that means we are pretty much down to texts or someone at the game with a black berry. if i can find someone to text me scores, i will give score updates tomorrow. i assume it is because of lack or broadcast personnel. but it really pisses me off that tulane can have isp sports (who handles their sports broadcasts) bring in someone from out of state so they can at least have a baseball feed over the net tomorrow, but lsu cant find someone to do pbp so we can at least have the gz feed. tulane is in the same boat of having mens and womens bb going on at the same time as baseball tomorrow.
you got dat right! how dare i not get my baseball fix!:hihi: plus, do you have any idea how much it bugs me to have greenie getting all smug that tulane is making sure they have an internet broadcast for their game even tho they had to bring in outside talent to do pbp? giving me this "what kind of second rate school did you go to" look? now on pretty much every other sports issue, i win. but on this particular issue..... well, i hate him winning any tulane vs lsu argument.:hihi:
Well, all the greenies really have to get excited about is baseball....LSU has football, baseball, men and womens track, womens basketball, womens soccer, and even gymnastics to worry about (might be missing something). Throw that at your greenie friend :grin:
oh, i do. i just hate him winning any argument. even these little ones.:grin: oh, forgot to add. this morning we went to run some errands to look at materials to rebuild the nola house. before we left i noticed he was wearing his "perfect season" shirt. (poor greenies, thats all they have to hold onto in fb.) so i put on a nc t-shirt and smiled sweetly. :hihi:
i will, even tho i have the gz and can typically listen. but how is he gonna get the pbp with no gz or radio? we are all out in the cold, not just me if gametracker is as screwed up as usual.