That's the response I expected from a 12 year old. And yea, I'm broken hearted you won't "talk" to me.
I respect your respect for sportsmanship. However, in my opinion, as fans it’s always ok to smack talk the opposing fan in some form or fashion. Especially a fan who is on our board. We might not be able to tell him our team just kicked his teams ass, but we can still him what a little bitch we think he is. If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t have to hang around. Win or lose Fuck Bama.
I don't have a problem with smack talking. It's part of the game. But suggesting an opposing fan should be fu*cking his daughter crosses the line IMO.
No problems with smack talk at all. One should be able to talk smack and tailgate next to each other cordially. You comportment in here reeks of a poor upbringing and a base, low brow mentality.