I will never forget that game. Of course, the game would've only been tied at that point and we may still have lost, but had we won, we would've won the West and had a shot at another SEC championship.
Wow you guys seem to only remember a lot of negative stuff about our rivalry. I try not to get into that stuff anymore since it is past history and much of it blown way out of context. I just look forward to another great game this year and hope the winner again represents the West. We always need Tighers in the SECC.
I think that's what helps make a rivalry. Those things about your opponent that make your skin crawl, drive you to yelling at the kids, kicking the dog, and drinking clorox.
What Nutriaitch said, it is a rivalry usually to win the SECW btw. I'd like to see some of that positive stuff you guys must post about Bama!:lol:
That's what makes it so hard to talk positively about Auburn too... LSU may not really have a traditional rivalry... but other fans always end up hating the teams that dominate... and alot of the LSU / Auburn rivalry has come from BS calls, no class moves, and last second thrills... what more could you ask for We have become the hated Bama of the bear (yeah the dead guy) era... we are starting to pile up the championships... 30 years from now they will be talking about it... One thing I think is BS though is teams that claim National Championships they dont have.... For one you cant win more than one a year.... some teams claim them all... or some teams claim little known polls... or at least lesser known polls... LSU won like 2 more titles if you count those also Georgia claims to have something like 12... which ludicrous... Ole Miss claims to have like 3 or 4 I mean how bs is that???
What sticks out more to me is that LSU had Auburn down to a final 4th and 12. Campbell got LAID out by two LSU linemen as he threw it and managed to find a receiver about 1 yard past the 1st down marker.
If that play went the other way, Auburn doesn't even win the SEC West, much less the SECCG and Sugar Bowl and the Eufaula Tribune MNC. Both teams would have ended up 10-1 with LSU going to Atlanta because of the head to head win. That play won the Pontiac Game Changing Play of the Year IIRC. Think of it--LSU was literally 2 plays away from going to 5 straight SECCGs (the 2002 collapse in Little Rock being the other one.) Give Buster Davis 4 more yards in 06 and it's 3 plays away from going to the SECCG 7 straight times. That's dominance. GEAUX TIGERS -- Have a GREAT DAY
similarly ..... like D. Byrd's catch against AU last season ...... if it goes the other way, AU advances to the SECC and LSU misses out on the MNC