I hate johnny douchepump so much, I did not even DVR this one. I took this one for the team. Hope you Coon Assess appreciate it. I just let the football gods decide without my hex. As shitty as my life is, I am loving life tonight. I hate that SOB and all them butt hurt aggies. I did not even read the thread, if he got hurt or something, or his mom died, well tough shit. I am not piling on, I am so glad we put the butt hurt on the aggies.
Defense looked really good today. So much talent, surprising it took so long for the light to come on. Hopefully the quality play and improvement continues. Had the D played that well all season the Tigers might be undefeated. Future looks bright on D.
Or, at least against Ole Piss. That's where our season went down. We could have handled a Bama loss had it not happened after Ole Piss, esp. against their 2nd string. Sorry, didn't mean to drag down a glorious defensive performance and excellent victory tonight.
So I'm perusing the Faggie forums because I love reading about their misery when I came across this post that literally made me laugh out loud. It's right after we go up 14-0 and they realize the game is basically over. I don't know - maybe it's just my sophomoric sense of humor, but this guy knows the game is over and is just ready to take what's coming at him. Sidenote: Their game thread is kickin' . 81 pages long with over 1ook views. Impressive.