It was a nasty combination of purple and gold. Not the good kind. But purple helmet, gold jersey, purple pants kind. I think I may need a doctor.
Are we really going to make this the longest thread of the week again. Everyone just read the other 10 threads on the subject to get your fix.:grin:
By complaining about this thread you are actually helping it grow! :grin: Ignore it. Eventually it will go into hibernation...and then reappear :lol:
i have photoshop. i could do that. but i won't. i will not subject my hands and my brain and my computer and the other fine people on TF to such a thing. nausea creeps upon me just typing about it. my question is this: is there something wrong with the uniforms we have now? if so, i'm sure they can be fixed without nike and armchair uni designers. if not, we really shouldn't be trying to fix what's not broken.
Why do you need photoshop? Just unzip your.... Oh. You mean purple FOOTBALL helmets. My opinion: they'd look like this. I'm hoping this is photoshopped, by the way...:shock:
Unis are just fine. I didn't even like the Tulane game with the purple and white. I know what my Tigers look like and my eyes are trained to follow the color pattern that we've always worn. Every time Hester got the ball in that Tulane game I kept asking, "Who was that?" :shock: