None of the 3 QB's came close to completing 50% of their passes. 31 for 65. That ain't gonna cut it in the SEC. Need to get that percentage up over 60.
Spring games are a two edge sword, but don't sleep on the fact they both could be really good units. Aranda always has a good defense, and LSU does and you know it...
I think Ed O is gonna lead us to at least one national championship. Am I allowed to have an opinion of a coach without being lumped into a category?
Don't know if I'd go that far, but I do think he is a whole lot better than a number of folks on this board give him credit for.
That’d be great! I haven’t seen enough to believe that, but I don’t hate him. Being so gung-ho seems a little pie-in-the-sky.
I have seen a lot of CFB, and I can tell you, the man knows how to coach. He also has learned from his time at Ole Miss starting at USC and continuing to now. For anyone who thinks I just like him for being LSU's HC I hated Dinardo, but pulled for LSU. I never trusted Miles but I liked his personality. Personality doesn't mean you can coach at a major program. I didn't like Archer but pulled for the team. Hallman was a horrendous hire, but a likeable guy. Hallman couldn't recruit or coach. I NEVER rooted against LSU for even 1 game, unlike some on here.