Baseball also uses a mound so they get a little help on the downhill side. Men and women are not equal physically.....period. For me, softball is an awesome sport and it seems silly to compare it to baseball. Other than obvious similarities, it's a different game in most aspects. This one right here had a great college career.
There are comparisons at distance/speed/reaction time tween baseball and softball. The equivelancy would shock those who don't know.
Here LaSalle, put that "it's okay to do" thing to rest.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0czFxOTFnBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyN18xBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1432427688/RO=10/RU=
When I called HS games I'd only do softball unless my ass't secretary was in a jam and for a BB game. Faster is right. No stretches, throwing to bases teeen pitches etc.
You said the wear and tear was far less. I just don't buy into that. The study posted didn't either. Problem is relatively little data vs baseball. To begin with, consider all boys play baseball/fastpitch. Slowpitch softball is still very popular and a significant number of girls play slowpitch. When we would go to tourn in Gonzales they would have half the fields allocated for FP and that other half for SP. Many people prefer slowpitch since there is more hitting, and, as a result, more defense, and situational understanding- which is not a gimme with girls who don't go play ball in the hood like boys.