Exactly. I like Freeze, even though the rumors are that he's going to AU and I like Kendall Briles. But I think Petrino is the kind of scumbag that divide the team.
We'll never hire petrino. The skip stories make that pretty clear. I doubt we hire anyone shady. Kiffin would be the furthest we'd go I imagine.
I doubt Kiffin would go anywhere to be an OC,.. in a year or two, he'll be given a major head coach job,.. he'd jump at the chance to lead LSU I think.
got it,.. I'd like to see Kiffin at LSU,.. like @shane0911 implied, as Ed's buyout shrinks, so does his leash,.. that door might open,.. Kiffin would be an exciting choice for Tiger fans.
why would that be offered this soon.. ? ..afraid some one's gonna steal Ed away that makes little sense to me
Probably. Right now he's looking at SEC Coach of the Year and if we win out probably NCAA Coach of the Year.