Chris Jackson Chris Jackson Chris Jackson!!! Cant remember all those “other names”. Rudy Mac and CJ my favorites. I think CJ could shoot at other teams basket and the ball “just knew” it had to turn and go the other way. Think I saw him miss once.......
Now that I think of it I was already in the corps so yeah you could have been. I had my eras mixed up. Was thinking Leonard Mitchell which was years before
Was tall but no where near as big as he was later in life. Check out the Nick Nolte movie, Blue Chips. Couple years removed from school I think.
The first time I ever saw him in person was at the preseason intersquad Purple-Gold game. One of his dunks brought down the entire goal, backboard and support structure. Game was delayed for 45 minute while they replaced it. Shaq was 17 at the time.