Jan. 2nd has numbed us all well except for Bhelm, he is still super positive on the outcome on NSD LSUDad is laying in the cut, as always (i.e., cool as the other side of the pillow)
A person has an offer at a certain time. If we are full at a position, too bad. They know this going in. The staff makes this clear. Certain players, they will hold a spot open, not everyone. But once again, I go back to coaches know. You don't spend years with a kid and not know what hes thinking. If a kid can't look you in the eye, a coach can see this. An yes, the staff has been making the rounds, just like every year. An yes, still trying to make the numbers work. A couple kids are on the fence, but this is every year. Got to love this time of the year. I do.
I would love It a lot more if you quit talking in riddles and circles. Jeez Louise like trying to crack ft Knox you people are