But therein lies the point with Shane and Red, I think. Either LC is a true suspect or he isn't. Why would the police putting him off look bad for LC's innocence or guilt? If they truly thought he did it, would the BRPD really have told Collins on Thursday, "We know you're interested in talking to us today, but let's just pencil you in for Monday, instead,"? That seems odd to me--especially since the BRPD has said, more than once, that he is not being listed as a suspect--that's what his agent and attorney seem to have put out in the press...which is quite bizarre. I am hoping that LC is not involved in any way with this double murder. I would be very disappointed that a representative of my university would do such a thing. If he is cleared, he has been screwed by the timing of this tragedy. If he is involved, he needs to face the consequences, and then I don't feel sorry for him in the least. But if he had nothing to do with it? This is beyond shitty for him. I don't feel a lot of trust for the BRPD right now and their recent handling of LSU football players. It's really strange, actually. I'm referring to the two bar fights with Jordan Jefferson and Jeremy Hill--fights no different than ones I saw every single time I went out in Tigerland when I was a student a quarter century ago. And now this...but only if LC truly didn't have an involvement. Is it possible that LC's not coming in immediately to talk to him...and the subsequent scheduling of an interview by the police all the way to tomorrow...means that neither LC nor the police feel that LC had anything to do with the actual murders? Is it possible that the police are interviewing a multitude of people that knew her? Maybe I'm being naive.
I thought police wanted to get interviews as quickly as possible. And then re-interview to see if stories have changed. Maybe I've watched waaaaaay too much television and think I'm citizen murder police as a result though.
What is extraordinary about it and why does it deserve an exception? If you were Brittney's brother or father, would you want a rush release if he hadn't been adequately cleared? Just asking.
"There’s a theory that the first 48 hours after a homicide are the most crucial in solving a case, and many cases are solved during that time span. That idea is popular enough to have spawned a true-crime TV show. But not all cases are able to be solved in that time frame... Despite the A&E show, the first 48 hours following a homicide aren’t exactly a magical time, Carter said. The most crucial time is between the actual homicide and when police are called. During that time frame, evidence can deteriorate and the suspect gains distance from the crime scene, Carter said. It’s not that the case becomes unsolvable a minute after that 48-hour time period, it’s more of the physical demands on the investigators, he said. “Realistically, that’s about how long (police) can work without keeling over,” Carter said. “After that point, they start losing their effectiveness.” Carter said there’s a 90-item checklist for homicide detectives to go through in the first two days after a homicide. If those first two days come and go with no arrest, detectives begin “working the case,” as Carter put it. “The lead investigator will get some rest and then will come back and start reviewing their leads,” he said. “They’ll receive the medical examiner’s report, get forensic analysis — typically you’ll have some DNA and that can take a while — and whatever other crime scene evidence. They have to put that all together.” TV is mostly bullshit even "reality" shows.
Don't twist it around sugar bean, I will say it again, they either think he is their guy for whatever reason, or they know he didn't have anything to do with it. That is the way things go. If they think that he is their guy then all bets are off but I'm still sticking with he had nothing to do with it. If he had nothing to do with it, and the cops are thinking the same thing then yes, it is an extraordinary circumstance because the actions of the BRPD have very big implications on the kids life. Something that less than 1% of the population will ever have access too and they took that from him for whatever reason. Again, this is if they don't think he had anything to do with it. I'm speaking personally, if it were me behind that badge I would look at it and say, wow, I think we need to do what we can to either rule him out or charge him. That is what I would do, not saying skirt justice, or not explore all angles. Of course you do that. But you cannot convince me that given the situation they could not have handled this differently. Yes, 2 people are dead, tragic as it may be you don't just go making a bad situation worse just for shits and giggles.
But that is not what happened, is it? For whatever reason, LC did not immediately return to BR when first contacted by the police. Shit, the NFL Draft was just days away for him. Let's assume he knows nothing about the actual murder. What if, because he was innocent, he doesn't think it is that pressing to return and disrupt his busy schdule (I'm not trying to be callous when I type that...if an old acquaintance or even girlfriend died, if he knows he had nothing to do with it, why does he hurry back to BR?) Then, fast forward to Monday and Schefter making it public. Now, LC's hand is forced, and after consideration, he realizes that he needs to return ASAP to BR to clear his name. He contacts the BRPD, and then THEY say, "Nah, just come in on Monday, dude." This killed his draft stock, but if the BRPD thought he murdered this woman and her child, would they really just say, "Come in at our convenience on Monday,"? The BRPD have stated and then reiterated that LC is not considered a suspect. On TOS, there are even people basically calling LC a bastard because he didn't rush to the side of the newborn in the ICU who was dying. What if LC knows it wasn't his child? Don't laugh...it is possible that he never had sex with her.
Exactly If BRPD is going to make a spectacle out of it then finish the job. Don't put it out there and then shuffle it off to the back burner. Can't have it both ways.
I don't think so. If there was no arrest or a named fugitive suspect within 48 hours, then I don't think they know at all. They will have to collect lot of forensic data, interview a lot of witnesses, and analyze motives, opportunities, and means. They have to get this right before making an arrest and turning the results of the investigation over to a prosecutor. The crime is barely a week old.
I know if it were me, I'd be in there immediately, and if BRPD would have said eh... You can wait til Monday I would have said no sir, my attorney and I will be there immediately because this has to end and end now. If innocent They have already cost this guy a day all kids dream about, accepting that jersey from the commish. If innocent that is completely ruined for him. I wouldn't make this easy for BRPD, I'd make it about myself as much as possible. Like it or not innocent or not his name is now synonymous with this crime.