LSU Players And The 2015 NFL Draft

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUDad, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Nope, once a call is made, it's just a matter of time.
  2. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    To kind of recap the NFL Draft with the LSU Players:

    2nd Round- Jalen Collins-Falcons
    3rd-Danielle Hunter-Vikings
    4th-Kwon Alexander-Tampa Bay
    7th-Kenny Hilliard-Texans


    Connor Neighbors- Titans
    Terrance Magee-Ravens
    D J Welter-Tampa Bay
    Ronald Martin-Hawks
    Jermauria Rasco- Packers
    Elliott Porter-Browns
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  3. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    Like I've been telling you, the murder happened on FRIDAY (six days before the draft), and LC knew he was being sought for questioning since the weekend, and apparently since SATURDAY, the day after the murder - see article below. Since there was no warrant for his arrest, it was up to him to get there and clear his name. Unsure why you want this to be so much about BRPD mishandling/boggling. That is a very skewed angle, unless you are privy to intimate details that make you aware of something egregious - I just don't see it. This was a murder, not some petty offense. If I'm an NFL team, LC has a connection to this murder until proven otherwise, and it's up to him to clear his name. See second article below about why it was LC and his agent's handling of this that was the problem. It's been more than a week and he still hasn't met w/police? If it were me, and I were innocent, I would have been in the police station pronto, cleared my name, and held a press conference to add confidence to that given the millions on the line. Did he do anything like that? No. But, the BRPD didn't encourage him to, I suppose, so its' their fault, LOL.

    LSU's La'el Collins knew since Saturday BR police wanted to question him
    La'el Collins' lifelong NFL dreams turns into a week-long nightmare: Ron Higgins
    gyver likes this.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm not grinding him down, amigo. I'm honing him.
    LSUDad likes this.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No, that is the result that we are all talking about. What I'm asking why the NFL teams would pass on a talent like him for such a flimsy reason.

    I think it means that they have some slightly paranoid suspicions and don't know any more than we do. it just doesn't seem like good business. He got the same treatment as if he was caught on camera committing murder.
    StaceyO likes this.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    But it gave the appearance of impropriety for Collins to publicly leave and return to BR a week before he needed to. If he was not a suspect, he had no need to "clear his name". All he needed to do was to remain contact the police and make the same after-the-draft appointment to be interviewed as a witness.

    It seems like bad business to me. For not one to risk even one last-round pick might seem like collusion to a lawyer, perhaps to defraud Collins of first-round money and contract status. Now he is locked into free-agent contract and pay restrictions.

    I wouldn't sit out a year, if I were Collins, I would play in the CFL. It's an opportunity for the CFL to nab a top American lineman and for Collins to keep in shape and demonstrate his effectiveness as a pro. The NFL will always be there down the road if they decide they like him after all. But he should make them pay for the privilege. It worked for Hershel Walker.

    It is probably the agents or lawyers fault. But it is because they overreacted. I think Collins probably tried to do just that . . . try to get the BRPD to instantly exonerate him before the draft. They aren't going to do that. Their investigation is barely started and they have much due process to go through. They are not going to "clear" anybody they haven't even considered a suspect.

    No, Collins and his agent should have made an appointment to meet with the police this week, just like they eventually did. Then they should have acted like there was no problem and kept quiet about it. After the draft, he would have returned and given the interview. The only thing that would prevent this would be if the police had ordered Collins to return to Baton Rouge. If that happened, the police better have a good reason or it may be alleged that they maliciously sabotaged his professional career when there was no rush to interview him.
    StaceyO and shane0911 like this.
  7. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    What you are saying is correct, but is in contrast to others who are alleging the BRPD is trying to deliberately sabotage LCs career. If he were a true suspect, there would have been a warrant issued for his arrest. Since that apparently was not the case, then there was no rush from the BRPDs perspective, they have an investigation to move on with. Timing all around was bad, but I don't see it as the "fault" of the BRPD, as others keep saying. Just as you say in your last paragraph, if they really wanted to sabotage LCs career, or have it out for LSU players like some believe, then they would have made more of a rush to interview him as if he were a suspect, or would have issued a warrant for his arrest. That would have ensured he wasn't drafted. It was the decision of individual NFL teams to not draft him, not the actions or in-action of the BRPD. Like it or not, he IS linked in someway to a murder that occurred the week of the draft. Sucks for him, esp. the timing. Not the fault of the BRPD, is all I'm saying.
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Okay @ParadiseiNC 2 questions

    1. What would have been the harm with getting this done sooner rather than later?

    2. What is your connection to the BRPD?
  9. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    No connection whatsoever. What's your bias against them? I am not assuming the worse about their intentions, you are.

    Getting it done sooner would make sense if your perspective is LC, and his draft status. Getting it done thoroughly and properly is what I imagine the perspective of any PD investigating a homicide would be. I mean, dude, think how skewed the view is of LSU football fans. To think a PD is sabotaging some dude's life b/c a murder of his former girlfriend happen to take place the week he was up for being drafted.

    I am sure there are many scenarios of people connected to murders who have careers, and have timely issues that happen the week of the murder and impact their life negatively. It's just not in the limelight. If LC were a going up for some interview, and his name was connected to a girlfriend who was murdered, and the employer found out about that, do you think they would hire him? Do you think the police, any police, would feel some sort of obligation to clear him six days before his interview? Do you not think crap like that happens all the time in some county/city in somewhere, USA, and we just aren't aware, aren't in that world, or reading articles about it literally leading up to the interview?
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    strange things are afoot at the circle k.

    1. Why the hell didn't Collins go immediately.
    2. Why didn't BRPD insist he come in immediately.
    3. Why are the police content with stringing this out.
    4. Regardless what happened this whole thing makes me think La'El Collins is a huge idiot, or he is getting terrible advice from a crappy agent or a crappy lawyer.

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