Good for him. No reason to take that big of a beating money wise. He can most likely come back to LSU as a grad assistant and work with the line. Access to weights, coaching, and practice.
How about Don Coppola, the slime ball piece of crap that just ruined thus young man's day, month, year possibly his life. Seems to me BRPD are just being asshole because they can? Why else would they wait to question him on Monday? Collins is better than I because reverse the roles and the conversation would go something like this. Me- yeah I'm ready to speak to the police Cop- you aren't a suspect we will talk on Monday Me- you'd best get this done now or I will be a suspect in kicking your ass, I have a draft to get to Click
Until I get a damn good explanation as to why they made a guy who has been nothing but quality in character miss out on such an opportunity then he is numero uno on my hit list. I wonder if someone can dig up his email address? I will put this bitch on blast!
dudes ex came up dead with the question mark for gms if this is his kid. and if so, he may have been trying to save some money before the draft took place by offing his monthly payment. its just speculation but like the stock market, thats all it takes. they are risk averse. but i guess you are talking about a blogger above so ignore my pointless point.