Wow...just wow. He's got two kids with 2 different girls, he essentially stole Deion's car and left it unattended with the engine running at the airport, his best friend got shot when they were 15 and he was at the scene, and the list goes on... I hope that kid turns it around, but he's gotta start learning from his mistakes soon.
Incredible story. I feel for this kid, losing both of his parents to AIDS at such a young age. He's made some questionable decisions for people not in his shoes, but I sure as hell don't know how I would have done with his background and environment. Regardless though, THIS pisses me off immeasurably, from the Sun Sentinel article: [FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica] What a pathetic cheap shot from some hack newspaper. This kid is 17 years old, wants to be closer to his kids (granted, probably not a good decision to have them so young, but that's academic at this point), and has his own reasons. THE GUY IS A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT. HIGH SCHOOL. He owes nothing to anyone, especially some crappy rag like that newspaper. I hope he does well wherever he ends up, which is hopefully a place where he can mature without the microscope of some small town hack with nothing better to write about. [/FONT]