man. we'd have the next reggie bush if we snagged this kid.
We're recruiting him hard, but if we get McKnight we won't try to sign him. I think we just want to get him to take an official, or maybe in case we don't get McKnight...
I dont even think Miami has offered. They are after Armando Allen because of Devine's grade issues. Miami is a private school and has higher admission standards than most public schools.
Unless the NCAA ok's the remedial classes that Devine took I don't see how he will be able to qualify next year, I think he'll have to go the prep school or juco route. I'd think prep school would be his best option, especially he has a guy who would probably be willing to fund it for him in Sanders.
I have no idea, I don't really follow Miami's recruiting. They may accept Devines, lord knows they tend to be very arbitrary in their decisions.