How many consider Ole Miss to be a big rival? I know in the 50's and 60's, but now, it seems like we just don't have the big rival ala Bama/Aub, or Neb/Ok. Can't create one, didn't work with Ark. Rivalry's are created on the field.
I'd rather a 4 year home & home with a meaningful opponent as the rivalry. One that can get you into the NC game. One with a tradition, Buckeyes, Wolverines, Huskers, Hokies...etc. How dare those pee-ons think they are on LSU's level.
given the responses i have seen, i propose a miniture toilet. since only the pretentious student governments think its worth a crap.
yep. very grumpy. i woke up not on the wrong side of the bed, but with an ear ache, sore throat, and a fever. but i still believe all this meaningless trophy crap is absurd.
how exactly does one construct a trophy that depicts "penis envy'???? what does a&m use for texas? :hihi: btw, this is a stupid idea. i'm not in favor of contrived rivalries.
Second! But... paint it purple and gold, and they have to display it on their campus until they win at which point they can remove/use their own colors. :thumb: :lol:
you dont create rivalries. the rivalries create their own stories which is why they are cool games. too bad our old rivals all suck now.