By the time a kid is in college, all you can really do for them is hold up a mirror and give them chances to unf*)* themselves. Any of you honestly think anyone (including your parents) could've forced you to change anything significant about yourself between the ages of 18 and 25? :lol:
Like I said, I agree with him bouncing every one of them...but he was saying Miles is good at handling problem children like he was turning them around...and obviously that wasn't the case.
I have both a son and daughter. Would I be mad if it happened to my daughter? Yes If my son did the groping, would I want his football career to be derailed? No I guess what I'm saying is Mettenberger is someone's son. For one moment, just pretend he is your son. What would you want to happen to your son? Would you want people to forgive him?
Check out the crazy QB name chain Jarret Lee Zach Lee Zack Mettenberger Humm...I think something is afoot.