Pretty sure he was falling backward while he was throwing the ball. Pretty hard to get anything on it that way. As for the rest, I disagree with the premise that starting the freshman early will be good for them. Starting the RIGHT freshman early can be good for them, but very few are in that category. Starting most kids early like that will be hard on them, and can actually ruin them down the road. I'd rather bring them along slowly and when they are ready, play them, but not before.
Gee I guess when I get up in the morning I will consult you before I start my day so YOU can tell me whats right and wrong whats funny and whats not. I will start tomorrow whats your contact info? Oh never mind think I will just send you a stupid pic.
Calling my pics stupid is not advice its demeaning. They are not serious anyway just exagerating to make a point with few words.