Bot 5 Nola K's the first man up K K K K K Nola's 50th comes halfway through season, #2 in SEC behind Vanderbilt pitcher Back to back K's! K K K K K K Pop out 1 2 3 inning for Nola! After 5, Nola has allowed 4 hits, Zastryzny 3 hits Hawthorne: "both these pitchers have been superb tonite"
Top 6 Top of order up for LSU Stevenson is out Zastryzny K's Laird. He's knocked down 6 straight LSU batters since Big Katz got him mad with his home run THE BOSS Bregman up. Singles! Steals 2nd! He's 8 for 8 stealing bases this season! Rhymes K'd for second time tonite to end inning K K K K for Zastryzny tonite
As always, thanks for the PBP, TF. You make a LSU fan in NC feel like he is there. It kinda feels like people probably felt back in the 50s, listening to a game on the radio.
Top 7 Zastryzny K's Big Katz, back to back K's for him to Rhymes and Katz. Hawthorne: "that is really won't see that often" K K K K K for Zastryzny tonite Ibarra ground out Hawthorne loves Zastryzny's "Beautiful curveball" Jones reaches on error on routine pop up! Get's to 2nd! Hawthorne: "youve got to be impressed with this lefty, Zastryzny...he's outstanding...great pitching duel tonite" Chinea is out
Bot 7 1 2 3 for Nola with a K! K K K K K K K K It's getting pretty chilly outside here in South Louisiana in my shorts and T, and Hawthorne just said it's getting so chilly up there people are starting to bundle up
Top 8 Ross gets K's, K K K K K K K for Zastryzny Stevenson hit by pitch on what would have been ball 4 Laird out, couldn't get bunt down THE BOSS singles! Runners 1st and 2nd, 2 out 2-0 to Rhymes. Mound visit...Easy ground out hit sharply to 2B, took his eyes off it, error! Laird scores! 2-0 LSU! LSU LSU LSU Chants coming from crowd Pitching change. New guy holding opponent batters to a .258 batting avg Big Katz grounds out for 3