Ok fine. :grin: I meant the IF part..... But, the way that I look at it, speculating about where Les is going to go and speculating about IF he's going to go. Are kinda of the same. And no I never said that the fans should sit idly by and not say a word...express concern...or plan for the possibility..., everyone that wants to can participate in speculating should have fun with it. I just do not want to do so until I just have to. I remember what happened with Saban. I just want to go stick my head in the sand and not worry about it until it is necessary. :thumb: I would think that some of the players do read. Now, if they read this Forum I do not know. However, there are many fans that identify with the team (why else all the concern and speculation) and therefore that is the way that the message gets typed. (It is not in a literal sense but a figurative.) I understand, myself included, that fans get excited and love to share in what happens with the team. The way I look at it the fans do have a part in how the team plays, just like the Coaches and the players. Without the fans what good is there having a team? It all gels together. So I wish everyone would not get so uptight and just the forum and enjoy each other and enjoy the season. :grin: Thank you for the cute kid comment. :geauxtige :milesmic: :LSU231:
Fortunately for me, I'm not involved in the gameplan to beat Ole Miss, AR or whomever we may meet in the SEC CG. So I'm free to be as distracted as I like. :lol: