Sure I'm dissapointed it's the chik-fil-a bowl, but it's the way the bcs worked out this year with so many sec teams being in the top 10 and only 2 being allowed to go to bcs bowls! Meanwhile the mid tier bowls are loving it because they get the big schools that draw well. What I have to keep reminding myself is that this bowl game is not for us...the fans, it's for the's their reward for the season, but this I can tell you....LSU had better be ready for Clemson's offense, Clemson is a real match up problem for LSU.....a very good and speedy recieving corps, a very good and mobile QB, this is a team that tends to give LSU's defense fits.......especially our secondary. So Ole Les has his job cut out for him to be able to put aside the dissapontment and get his team prepared for a very, very tough match up in Clemson!!
We will be up in Dallas for the first game next year. Will tcu have the same Head Coach? Many LSU fans stayed long after the end of the A&M game this year. We finished up the night at this place...... Think they named the place after Les?
Remember what teams LSU finished up the season with, we needed a rest. A well rested LSU team should do very well in this game. LSU will make a statement.
That was one road trip I really wanted to take but couldn't make it work. It would be nice to schedule more teams from that area, I'd love to make it up there for a game.
I think LSU playing TCU in Jerry's World for the first game next year probably had as much to do with it as anything.
Do y'all really think if Saban had this team it would be in the chiKfila bowl. Everything else being the same.
Not sure about GP's wife and the TCU BOD connection but I will find out. When my son first started playing there in 2001 GP was married to his 2nd wife (Mormon), his work ethic I think ended that deal and she moved back to Utah. He was not single very long and I do know his wife is from FW and I think is a Longhorn grad. Many at TCU are not worried about him leaving EXCEPT for Texas. However, there would lots of bad blood with his current TCU conncetions so I am not sure how that would play out. I do know that many at TCU were very worried if Miles left LSU BEFORE TCU got into BCS conf. Who knows what the thinking will be once the new playoff format starts. As for Petersen, I still think he is playing a "Patterson" with Boise HOPING PAC 12 comes calling real soon (as in Boise to the Pac 12). If that happens he may be done moving around unless it is a very good SEC job or west coast. He does not speak Arkanese. I have heard rumblings about Harsin going BACK to Boise IF Petersen leaves, not sure how big his connection back to Petersen would be, I do know if the issue is money and Texas wants to keep him...........the Arkies can forget it.