yes Jacob Berry @berry_jacob_24 · 9h Due to recent changes, I am excited to play for Coach Johnson and I’m following him to the SEC… I am thankful for the good ppl and teammates at UA…wishing y’all the best! I’m also excited for the opportunity to wear the iconic purple/gold for LSU! #Geauxtigers
I’m also excited for the opportunity to wear the iconic purple/gold for LSU! I love that lime. Thanks again Skip!!!!
Wilson Alexander @whalexander_ · 58m Jason Kelly will become LSU’s new pitching coach, a source confirmed with @theadvocatebr and as first reported by @KendallRogers . Kelly comes from Arizona State, where he spent the last two seasons.
I wanted Childress but seems to check all the boxes…. Also supposed to be an excellent recruiter. Borrowed this post from td regarding him. From Sun Devils 247 quote: Forced to utilize several pitchers who otherwise likely would not have made significant contributions, ASU was able to win 11 of its 15 weekend series and reached the postseason despite the rare circumstances on the mound. The Sun Devils finished the season with a 5.28 ERA. “The job [Kelly] was able to do with our pitchers is unreal to me,” one player told Sun Devil Source on the condition of anonymity. “With what happened to our pitching staff, we should not have even had a .500 record in my opinion. It’s just a [testament] to [Kelly] and what he’s able to do. I think he’s one of the best pitching coaches in the nation.” Kelly joined the ASU coaching staff prior to the 2020 season after seven seasons as associate head coach and pitching coach with the Huskies. His player development skills led several players to tell Sun Devil Source in the wake of Smith's dismissal that they would consider transferring if he did not remain on the ASU staff, most of whom said that Kelly’s departure could also have a similar effect on Sun Devils commits
Thanks, that's good information. People wanted change and it sounds like we are going to be a completely new team next year. I assume the Box is already sold out for the year.