We're about to pay a position coach around $4M/yr to lead this team, when his last stint as a head coach had him on the unemployment line after 3 years yrs. Going 10-25 overall, 3-21 SEC at Ole Miss... 21-29 after his stints at Ole Miss, SC, and LSU combined. Wonder why you don't see other schools beating his door down.
I hear you, but hes done a pretty good job in the interim. It also doesn't hurt negotiations with others to make it known we aren't afraid of going in another direction.
Bill Belichick was once on the unemployment line after being fire at Cleveland. Oeaux has learned a lot since his Ole Miss days but is it enough?
ESPN reporting there is a press conference at 12:00 PM today announcing the new permanent head coach.
Saw that, 1:00 est. God I'm nervous as a guy driving up for blind date. May the football gods smile down on us today. But I just have this vision of Here is your new head Coach , and Steve Spurrier and the Dr Pepper guy come running out