I know most see LSU as a football and Baseball school but I yearn for the days when LSU was a major player in college hoops
I have no LSU ground to put an ear to, I'm just thinking about the comment about how they were impressed with the self-imposed penalties from the football problem in '19.
I don't think so because the players earned the right to go, but I could be wrong. It may be the best move to drop out and show the NCAA that they're doing everything in their power to remedy the situation.
The answer to that may be in the names redacted in the report. If any are still on the team NCAA could take the position that LSU has gained an unfair competitive advantage. If not, It would be unfair to penalize the players for transgressions committed before they were on the team.
And here we are with another one of the joe Alleva administration festering boil's that finally burst and Scott gets to clean up. The NCAA took its sweet time but the result was fairly predictable ever since Wade agreed to the new contract with the "I know you're going to fire me clause". I'm glad LSU pulled the trigger to move forward. I expect Scott will make another quality hire. And I hope he cleans out any remaining slime still hanging around. I'm really tired of LSU being tied to stories of stupid blatant cheating and sexual misconduct.