So, let me get this straight. You don't follow gymnastics but are quick to point to a scoring system for those you say are "ignorant." You've proven your point about not knowing about gymnastics by linking a scoring system that's designed for Olympic scores--mostly in artistic form. What you're citing here does not apply to collegiate ya might rethink that ignorant comment. The scoring in gymnastics carries as much, if not more, of a home mat advantage than any other sport. It's far, far more subjective than any example you tried to cite here as well. The way Florida was scored in the meet was atrocious. BUT, like mentioned, scoring is subjective...changes each and every week depending on who the judge is during a meet.
Me telling him if he was happy in his ignorance was a figure of speech and a nice way of telling him to phuck off. I'll spare you the euphemism.
Suggestion: If you're going to tell someone to fuck off, perhaps you should pick a subject you know something about? I guess I could assume you had that link bookmarked for future reference? Er, nope. You went looking for something to throw in Bengal's face...and it resulted in... There's no denying they are athletes.
An activity requiring physicals skills and agility for the purpose of entertaining an audience. Much like circus acrobats or professional wrestling. Since the scoring is totally subjective depending upon the whims and biases of the scorekeepers it is a lot like an Academy award. Surely you have liked movies that the critics trashed and hated movies that the critics loved. With any real sport other than boxing when there is no knockout the fans know who won without having to be told.
I know plenty about telling people to phuck off- I get paid to do it. As for your assessment of what I posted you're way off. In fact your posts in this thread are out of character for you but doesn't make a stink to me so suit yourself.