Was wondering when was the last time there was a regular season game between the 2 previous National Champs (like LSU/Florida this coming October), so I did a little digging: Hasn't happened since '82, was wasn't uncommon before that. UGA('80) / Clemson('81) played in '82 ND('77) / USC('78) played in '79 Pitt('76) / ND('77) played in '78 ND('73) / USC('74) played in '75 ND('66) / USC('67) played in '68 TIE MichSt('65) / ND('66) played in '67*** Texas('63) / Arky('64) played in '65 ***The '67 game between ND/MichSt. is the 1st one I found between teams that plit the title the previous season. So, it hasn't happened in 26 years, but happened 7 times in the previous 26. Somewhat decent shot at it happening again next season with UF and UGA (both have decent shots this season) on our slate again next season.