I often hear a lot of negatives about LSU fans not just from Arkansas fans, but i have to say that since I have been a member here I have met for the most part respectful fans that love their team. Thank you guys/gals for allowing me to be a member here and not running me off because I am a fan of The Petrino coached hogs.
Always welcome and never believe what you hear that about rival fans. You will hear us say the same things about other fans. It just comes with the territory. We are truly like the SEC's drunk uncle. Just a hoot to be around. Plus we share a very common miserable existence I see. We are both Cubs fans... I am so sorry, I know its a hard miserable life.. One I chose as a young child. I dreaded the day I found WGN as a kid and watching Rick Sutcliff, Jody Davis, The hawk etc and feel in love the Chicago Cubs. I hate you WGN !!!!! PLus how can you dislike any school that this as a cheerleader. Oh by the way for those of you in Dallas. She is now a cart girl at Indian Creek. yes she really does exist. See more Avid Golfer She was cart girl of the year in our local Golf magazine. Hottest women I have ever met in my life and was a Hog cheerleader. I would go with my buddy to Arkansas games to stalk her.
never liked baseball until my ex-gf dad took me to wrigley field, sent the girls shopping we went to the game. it was cubs vs pirates. the cubs lost but i have loved the cubs since. learning all about the curse, and former players. I love sports, and until that day didn't know how much i love baseball. since then i have become an umpire for 7 years. quit when my child was born. I think the hiring of Sveum was awesome. Prince Fielder has to be right behind him.
its actually a optical illusion, if you look hard enough you can see a McFadden jersey. i have yet to find it.
No kidding, I don't care what she's wearing. And you became a baseball fan after a Cubs/Pirates game?? :lol::lol: