Gordy Rush appears very impressed with Lsu dline. Calls A Johnson unblockable! Backups all coming on strong! Hell yes! Music to my ears!
Solid quality DTs yes, disruptive forces no. We need another Booger or Dorsey, that continually blows up plays and pressures the QB from the inside.
Look at the total tackles along the years.... 2009: Nevis........56 (Drafted 3rd. round) 2010: Logan........5 Minter.......15 Brockers....25 2011: Minter.......61 Logan.......57 Brockers....54 (drafted 1st round)Remember Brockers only played 2 years. Barrow......17 2012: Minter.....130(2nd.) Barrow....104 Logan.......55(3rd.) Every year someone steps up, this is LSU football every year. Barrow, is one. Ego and Freak will play a lot, Rasco is another. With his size and staying healthy Jordan Allen at 6'6" 255#'s could have one of those years.
Hell I thought Nevis was a disrupter, he was always in the backfield, Brockers is going to be a star in the NFL.