Well..with all the LSU fans in Texas I,m surprised they dont offer them there. Hmmm maybe I can write the gov of Fla and try to get some availabilty here..."Yea"... "That" will happen!!!! Especially after last Sat nite,,,hehe :helmet::helmet::helmet::helmet::helmet::helmet:
http://omv.dps.state.la.us/images/LSU.jpg or http://www.bufs-plates.com/pa/pa-psu-alumni-new-01.jpg Honestly, I'd take the LSU one any day in terms of looks.
UPDATE: We're up to 152! Only 48 to go. Look, if Auburn can do this, you know we can. Their (AU) tags went public as of October 1st. We need to get our tags by the beginning of the year!!!! Keep spreading the word! Geaux Tigers, Amy [email protected]
UPDATE: As of this morning (10/23/07) I spoke with Ms. Barbara Ford (MS Tax Comm., Branch Director) regarding our tag production. I was a little curious about when our tags might get produced if we were to complete our project by October 31st. According to her, “LSU needs their applications, money, proof, etc. to the state by the middle of November in order to be produced in January, 2008”. “If not, the LSU tags will not be produced ‘til July”. This means we only have about 18-20 days remaining. As of Friday we had 154 / 200. We only need 46 more!!!!!!!!! Deborah should be checking the mail today, so I will keep everyone informed on any changes. PLEASE help me and the others that have submitted their applications to get the word out. How awesome would it be to get our tags after the middle of the year with a possible championship? Geaux Tigers, Amy McDonald Chairman, Tag Committee
Now at 165 and counting!!!!! Our deadline will be November 10th so production can start in January, 2008. Amy
I am so jealous. They didn't have LSU tags in Tennessee and I figured moving to Florida maybe I'd have a chance, but still, no. I'd be the first to sign up if they offered one here.