Today we have 67 and counting.....We'll get another update Wednesday. I'll keep everyone posted. Keep spreading the word! Thanks! Amy
Alright, as of 8/31 we have 86 total applications. Look, if Auburn and U of Memphis can do this....I know we can. Send in your application if you haven't done so!!!! We need to get these tags in Mississippi soon! Geaux Tigers, Amy
We've met our half-way mark! :thumb: We're up to 105! Keep spreading the word, so we can get these tags on our vehicles quickly!!! Thanks and Geaux Tigers! Amy McDonald Chairman, Tag Committee
UPDATE: Hello Tiger Fans!!! We are in full throttle of trying to get the Mississippi DMV to issue LSU specialty car tags (liscense plates) As of the 21st, we were at 113!!!! We only need 87 more and the state will begin production of our tags. Keep spreading the word----- If anyone needs applications, etc. please contact me at [email protected]. The address to submit payment and applications is: LSUAA Jackson, MS Chapter PO Box 13376 Jackson, MS 39236-3376 Geaux Tigers, Amy McDonald
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each day we are receiving additional applications for Mississippi's new LSU tag (up to 119). This has been an AWESOME experience and the Tiger fans have been extremely helpful and supportive. Hopefully this project will be complete very soon. Please note....once we reach our goal, those 200 applications will be submitted to the state for production. Any applications received after this 200 limit will be returned to sender. We (Tag Comittee) "cannot" submit more than 200 applications to the Miss DMV. However, this does not mean you can’t purchase an LSU tag. It simply means that you will have to wait until the tags are offered to the public. At that time, you will be able to purchase your tag as you normally would (Tax Collectors Office). I'm encouraging any and everyone that wants this tag and hasn't submitted their application, to please do so. Thanks & Geaux Tigers!!!! Amy McDonanld Chairman, Tag Comittee
A huge "thank you" for the article written by Melissa Scallan (LSU graduate) for the SunHerald article. As of today we have 135 / 200 paid applications. We're getting there!!! :geauxtige
142 applications received as of Tuesday, October 9th!!!!!! :thumb: Let's have this project complete by 10/31/07. Send in your application if you haven't..... and keep spreading the word!!!
I'll be sending you another one... my daughter wants one too! and we're also buying a new vehicle... in the next month or so, so when I get the info on it I'll be sending in an app and check for it as well.